Where can I find the manual?
The instruction manual, if you did not require the paper manual at the time of order, comes with standard CD. The CD / MANUAL is located inside the machine’s electrical panel. Remove it from the frame and store it for maintenance procedures.
How much and what type of gas is contained in the industrial chiller?
The type of gas inserted in the refrigeration circuit of your industrial chiller and the related kgs are indicated on the silver plate.
High pressure alarm HP
- insufficient amount of air passing through condenser
- condensation air temperature too high
- condensers dirty or clogged
- dirty condenser or filters
- the axial fan doesn’t work
- make sure that all buffers panels of the unit’s condenser compartment are properly installed
- make sure that anything is placed on the air intake points of the unit and check that the fins are not crushed
- remove filth and dust from the condenser fins which
- manual reset of the high pressure switch and reset the alarm in the controller
- if the fan doesn’t work, contact service
- if the cause of alarm is not found, contact service
Low pressure alarm LP
- evaporator obstructed
- insufficient water circulation in the evaporator
- gas filter clogged
- gas missing in refrigeration circuit
- expansion valve out of calibration or faulty
- traces of water in the gas circuit
- pressure switch faulty
- gas circuit solenoid valve faulty
- clean the heat exchanger follow the instruction reported in the operation handbook
- check the water flow rate and verify that the by-pass inside the unit is set correctly
- contact service
- contact service
- contact service
- contact service
- contact service
- contact service
Anti-freeze alarm AB1AC / A1
- the probe is not positioned or connected properly
- insufficient water circulation in the evaporator
- check the position of the probe and its correct connection to the controller
- check the water flow rate in the evaporator
- if the cause of alarm is not found, contact service
Evaporator flow alarm AEFL / FL
- there isn’t water circulation
- the water flow rate is too low
- there is air in the hydraulic circuit
- the filter installed at the unit inlet is dirty
- the pump circulation breaker alarm appears
- water is missing in the hydraulic circuit
- make sure that the pump has been satrted and works correctly
- verify that the adjusting valve upstream and downstream the recirculation pump is open
- make sure the automatic air bleed valves have been installed in the higher part of the hydraulic circuit and check the air bleed valve inside the unit installed on the storage tank
- stop the unit, close the valves installed upstream and downstream the filter, remove and clean it
- reduce the water flow rate by acting in the valve installed in the outlet pipe and verify if the grille in the pump is clean
- verify the cause and refill the circuit
Compressor circuit breaker alarm CTR / TC
- a compressor overload device has tripped
- the integral protective device of compressor trips
- if possible solve the issue and contact service
- contact service
Incorrect phase sequence (electronic controller display does not turn on)
- Incorrect phase sequence in the power supply
- the fuses of the primary &/or secondary circuit could be faulty
- disconnect power supply and swap two phases
- switch off the unit and check the fuses replacing one or more if necessary
For any other alarm / display message, contact service.
by phone: +7(495)727-0528
by email: