A standard warranty applies to all equipment manufactured and supplied by our company. The warranty period depends on the type of equipment, way of exploitation and operating conditions, as well as which way it was launched into operation.
In case of revealing defects we commit ourselves to restoring the equipment and bringing its operating parameters and characteristics to the original ones within a reasonable period of time.
In most cases equipment malfunction is due to its incorrect adjustment, operation, and failure to comply with the requirements established by the manufacturer. As a rule, such problems are solved remotely and do not require a technician visit, which allows to start up the equipment very quickly without any significant downtime.
In case of failure of the main operating units in the equipment, without which its normal operation is not possible, our customer service quickly delivers spare parts, which are always available in our stock, and installs and repairs them. The period of downtime is minimal.
If the manufacturer guarantees its liabilities, it does not mean that it is not necessary to take care of the equipment and provide normal conditions for its operation. If the defect is caused by the customers, the repair is carried out by them, which entails considerable expense and a lengthy downtime.